The beer industry has a large impact on Colorado

Rachel George 0 8624
The Beer Institute and National Wholesalers Association released a study showing the massive economic impact the beer industry has on Colorado, especially after a pandemic year. The study found that it contributes over 11.4 billion dollars to Colorado’s economy, and supplies more than 58,500 jobs.

Denver reduces restrictions on alcohol sales and delivery

Rachel George 0 0
The Denver Department of Public Health and Environment (DDPHE) has updated its latest public health order (PHO) regarding alcohol sales and delivery.

The latest PHO allows liquor stores to remain open and deliver alcohol until midnight, according to a release from the department. Restaurants will also be allowed alcohol delivery until 2 a.m.

A-B Selling Colorado Branches to Georgia-Based Eagle Rock

Rachel George 0 0
Anheuser-Busch has announced an agreement to sell its wholly owned distributorship operations in Colorado, to Georgia-based A-B house, Eagle Rock Distributing. Eagle Rock will be expanding operations to Colorado with this deal. The company called the development "an important step in leveraging the partnership between A-B’s WODs and independent wholesaler system to help …